Hybrid-Multi Cloud in Action

There’s been a lot of hype lately around announced hybrid or multi-Cloud offerings.
Fact is, that you can do this already today with Red Hat OpenShift.

I’ve recorded a short 6 minutes video which demonstrates hybrid-multi Cloud in action with two OpenShift clusters:

  1. pSeries 64 Little Endian and
  2. AWS x86.

The video demonstrates the creation of a project and a simple application.
Even though the processor architecture is different, the exact same commands are being executed. This speaks to the power of a true hybrid-multi Cloud strategy as it saves organisations from re-building their IT organisation for each cloud provider.

There are of course other concerns such as storage layer replication (Ceph), multi-cluster management (MCM) and cloud provider independent automation (Ansible), but the main message remains the same: The required enterprise ready open source tools and technologies are available today to run a hybrid-multi Cloud.

There are over 1,000 organisations globally who run OpenShift in production.

There is no need to wait.

Keen to get your thoughts,


2 Replies to “Hybrid-Multi Cloud in Action”

  1. Very nice demo to show the abstraction with OpenShift.. I’m thinking, you can perhaps use the ‘Broadcast all’ feature of the Terminator app which will automatically replicate/echo the commands in multiple terminal windows.

    1. Thank you Hari, for your comment. I think the currently preferred approach is gitOps.
      However, you are spot on, because of the unified hybrid-multi Cloud experience you can drive your application deployments even with a broadcast terminal application, which is quite amazing if you think about the operational differences across the X86, z and Power platforms.

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