SAP, HANA and how your ERP migration onto the right operating system leads to a competitve advantage

If you are only interested in the hard facts on SAP, HANA and why Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the most sensible choice scroll down to “SAP & The Good News”. Otherwise, keep on reading.

I do like Karate and Boxing. I go there weekly and I often get beaten up, but I do go back.  It’s hard but rewarding. I also worked on a large scale Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) migration, but I won’t go back and do it again unless I have to.

Below is why and some lessons learned.

A little bit of history

The ERP migration project of doom was done in stages.
Stage 1 included General Ledger, Fixed Assets, AR, AP and Cash Management. We created a dedicated integration hub based on Camel/Fuse to daily synch the financial transactions between the old and new (Oracle Business Suite) ERP. We had to hire a full-time employee just to maintain transactional integrity on a daily basis. I won’t go into details with regards to month-end, quarter-end or end-of-FY processing, but you get the idea.

Stage 2 was originally planned to include everything else. All process domains including Order to Cash (O2C – warehousing, logistics, COGS accounting, deferred COGS etc), Call to Service (onsite and remote support processes across APAC), Implement to Deliver (installation of hardware equipment to deliver annuity revenue), Procure to Pay, Accounting to Reporting, Forecast to Plan, Project Accounting, etc. The scope was BIG. And because it touches every process domain, ERP migrations are often referred to as open heart surgery. Another rather interesting fact was that the ‘leadership’ team had already pre-determined the completion date before the initial analysis (in good old waterfall style) was completed.

But hold on, it gets better. Because it was pretty soon pretty clear, that the timelines were unrealistic, the scope was cut down, which sounds a reasonable thing to do. Unfortunately, ERP systems aren’t really designed well for integrating with other ERP systems. They prefer to be THE BOSS in da house.

A simple example within your O2C domain could be that your inventory master might not be the same ERP system that your front end order portal connects to. This means that you need to put additional integration and business logic in place to make sure your customer expectations are met with regards to stock levels, back orders and delivery timeframes. This then spills over into billing processes, COGS accounting, revenue recognition, and reporting. And that’s just a simple order example. I am sure you understand the level of complexity created from the idea of ‘reducing scope’ – the reduction of scope by 50% created an estimated 1000 times higher complexity. This then increases risk, cost and potentially even nullifies the original business case around the entire program of work.

A video summary on this is available here.

The toll such mismanagement takes on people (and unfortunately mainly on those who care) is tremendous. We had people who didn’t have a weekend in 3 month! 

Things you might want to consider before you move onto SAP HANA 

Now, one ‘thing’ that caused complexity and cost, was that all the business logic was actually hardcoded in the old ERP system, plus the new ERP system wasn’t a greenfield implementation either, because other regional OPCO’s were already on it. The legacy ERP systems integrator (SI) charged us $300 just for estimating the cost of a change request each time we tried to make the migration and integration easier. I see this as an indicator that procurement departments might not be best equipped to help draft business transformation-related sourcing contracts, but that’s part of a different discussion.

But even without that, having to transport business logic from one system into another is hard and if you can avoid it, I recommend to do so.

SAP & The Good News!

I attended the SAP FKOM earlier this year. Upon my inquiry, I found out that SAP now endorses the “hug the monolith” or “strangle the monolith” pattern. It’s the same thing, which one you like better depends probably on how affectionate you are towards your fellow humans or whether you’ve got a handle on your anger management issues (which can easily become important when you work 3 months straight without a weekend).

It basically means: “Don’t put customisations into your core SAP system, but rather around it”, like for example into microservices or smaller units of code inside open source technologies such as Java or Python (any technology whose associated skillsets are easy to find in your market is good!) and use it to drive a DevOps culture. If you use SAP HANA in conjunction with Red Hat OpenShift, then you have enabled what Gartner calls bi-modal IT.

The corresponding architecture would look similar to below:

Conceptual Architecture of SAP HANA within an Microservices, Kubernetes and DevOps enabled environment

The main capabilities of your platform need to be

  • All architectural layers can be hosted on the platform
    • Experience layer – API, Web/Mobile UI
    • Business Logic – Business rules, business process management, Java, Python, AI/ML, FaaS etc
    • Smart data services – a virtualised in-memory data services engine that lets you slice & dice the data you need to fuel your microservices.
    • Agile integration – distributed, container-based, scalable integration that supports backend and front-end connectivity
  • The core components of your platform are backed by large open source communities like the ones behind Kubernetes, Docker, CRI-O, OVS, Ceph
  • There is a stable, profit-generating vendor supporting your platform that provides enterprise-ready support for prod and other important environments
  • Your operating system is certified across all major hybrid and multi-cloud players and can run both your container platform and SAP/SAP HANA.

Another benefit behind this architecture is that it allows for an evolution towards a multi-cloud ready platform based operating model, which IDC and others publicly promote as the way forward. The benefits of this operating model and the importance of open source as part of it are summarized in this short 8 pages whitepaper I co-authored with Accenture.

Next Steps

While upgrading or migrating your ERP system onto the newer SAP HANA version, organisations can be smart about the customisations they need and put them into containers and microservices on an enterprise-ready multi-cloud container platform.

This then translates into

  • Cost savings and lower risk via an easier upgrade path for non-customised ERP systems in the future; 
  • Increased revenue and business agility, as well as reduced cost in the backend, all through the support of a DevOps and Microservices empowered delivery platform for both backend and customer-facing products and services.

The no-brainer choice on the SAP HANA Operating System

SAP HANA comes with 2 supported Operating Systems. Suse Linux Enterprise Server and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. But you don’t really have to spend a lot of time making this choice. If you want to transform your business and/or leverage DevOps, Containers and a Microservices architecture Red Hat Enterprise Linux is the sensible choice.

Only Red Hat Enterprise Linux builds the multi-hybrid cloud ready foundation for an enterprise-ready container platform (OpenShift) as well as for SAP and SAP HANA. So if you want the best return on investment (ROI) on your mandatory SAP upgrade, Red Hat’s Enterprise Linux is the way to go. 

The Value Chain view


The value chain point of view is depicted above:

  1. Choosing the right operating system powers both your core systems and mode 2 enabling OpenShift platform and hence reduces operational cost and the requirement to hire rare and expensive skills
  2. By building upon an open source platform, innovation will automatically evolve your technology landscape
  3. The application of a platform based operating model allows organisations to innovate, experiment, learn and deliver new products & services faster. A higher learning rate leads to building the right things. DevOps enabled platforms help to build the right things fast.
  4. Above combined accelerates organisations towards the delivery of customer value and hence enhanced competitiveness

Organisations often struggle to move towards Digital. One reason for that is the new tools and technologies they need to utilise. By choosing the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system, organisations can pave the way to a successful digital transformation.

Keen to get your thoughts,